Telehealth is a way of connecting with a health service remotely or indirectly (not in person). Telehealth appointments are often over the phone or by online video conferencing arranged by your health professional. Telehealth is becoming more popular not just because of the safety it provides in protecting against transmitting disease (such as covid), but also because of its accessibility.
Whether you have limited access to psychologist facilities or specific needs for physical distance telehealth helps you connect. Telehealth might not be suitable for everyone, understanding the NEGATIVE and POSITIVE considerations will help in any decision process. To ensure you sign up for the best service that helps your circumstances, I’ve listed some important considerations:
COMFORT: Access to individual needs (for example you can have your session in the comfort of your own home with your therapy pet, and relaxation items). You can also access items quickly that you may want to share with the Psychologist (self-care items, interests, achievements, health documentation) or items you may need for personal reasons (food, water, medication, clothes). And my favourite aspect of telehealth is having the freedom to express yourself, If you’re in a private environment you can be as loud or emotional as you need to be. You can draw, journal, pace, walk, and stretch to express your needs without the confines of a public office.
CONVENIENCE: You can take breaks which can be helpful for unavoidable distractions, obtaining help or support, or time to think and process thoughts or stretch your body. You may prefer to arrange sessions to be via audio or phone only; this can be helpful for clients who have social anxiety, difficulty trusting or low confidence and self-esteem.
FLEXIBILITY: You may have unavoidable disruptions to your session (such as emergency medical appointments) – with a telehealth session you can continue the session via phone while you are attending to another task. Although it’s not recommended to attend a session while your attention is diverted, it can be arranged for those unavoidable and stressful moments where you may need therapeutic support.
ACCESS AND LEARNING: Screen sharing allows for interactive learning and engagement, so a clinician can assist in showing you how to complete forms or navigate forms and websites. Screen sharing also allows for the client to participate in sharing documents, websites, or items of interests (such as photos, homework, games). Being in the comfort of your own home you will have access to your own devices and aids to assist with independence and learning.
PREFERENCE: Some people need the distance from their usual routine and environment to have a separate space that provides physical structure and predictability , it may feel like a break or escape from the daily routine.
PHYSICAL INTERACTION: Some people may also need the physical presence of emotional energy from others to feel an increase of physical connection, however it is worthy to note that physical touch is restricted between a psychologist and the client.
TECHNOLOGY LIMITATION: If you don’t have a reliable phone, computer and service coverage connecting via a device can be difficult and unpredictable. It may be difficult accessing a private, distraction-free space for the session.
- Devices: For telehealth to run efficiently ensure your devices are charged and connected to the internet and service provider. Check your phone, i-pad or laptop is compatible to the telehealth link. At Empower Me Psychology if you have arranged video sessions you will be sent a zoom link via email, so be sure to check your email inbox and junk box regularly. Keep your contact details up to date, notify your psychologist as soon as you have changed your contact details (phone, email and address). Headphones are handy to have close by to your device and ready for your sessions to improve sound quality and privacy.
- Privacy & comfortability: If possible, choose an environment that is private and free of disturbance, explore ways you can improve privacy and comfortability. For example, if you are in your car think about secluded parking areas or packing essential comfort items (water, snacks, devices). Your session time is your time to focus on your emotional needs, having a private and comfortable environment will increase focus and relaxation.
- Goals: Reflect on your mental health goals and concerns and explore if your needs are suitable for telehealth. If you would like more information on telehealth or would like help with setting up your session, contact Empower Me Psychology.
Empower Me Psychology is flexible and compassionate to your needs.
Contact me today to make an appointment, visit my contact page or email me directly

Kerstie Hamilton
Hi! I'm Kerstie, Your General Psychologist for Telehealth (Online) Clinic! A beacon of expertise and compassion in the field of psychology. With a wealth of therapeutic experience working with children, families, and individuals affected by trauma and socio-economic barriers, Kerstie brings a multifaceted understanding to the practice. Her journey is more than a professional one; it’s a personal dedication driven by a profound desire to make a difference. Drawing from a range of therapeutic interventions, Kerstie’s approach prioritises validation, empathy, and creating safe spaces for expression. Her nurturing and non-judgmental demeanour fosters an environment where vulnerability is met with understanding and emotions find a voice.